2016 Mission Logo JpegWe are excited to be sending a mission team to Europe this summer. We had hoped to have two teams going but the trip to Sumperk didn’t work out for this year. We hope that maybe next year it can.

This year’s team is going in late July to Hurbanovo Slovakia to work with Pastor Darko Kraljik and the congregation of Hurbanovo Baptist Church in running an English teaching camp for about 50 children between 6 and 15 years old. The schedule will include a combined ESL VBS each morning, games and sports in the afternoon and a program each evening at a Christian youth club.

We ask you to please support the mission team with your prayers (see accompanying detailed prayer requests)    

Don’t forget to put “Summer 2016 Mission Team” on the memo line. Alternatively, to support an individual team member please send your donation to them (once again payable to The Czechoslovak Baptist Convention). Upon receipt they will forward your gift to the Convention.


• Pray for the team members in North America and Hurbanovo SK as they prepare for this shared mission.

• Pray for the Hurbanovo Baptist church as it gets ready to host our team.

• Pray for the children, youth and families, from the community we will be ministering to.  Pray that the Lord will direct those He wills to come to the English camp and youth meetings and that lives will be impacted for eternity.

• Pray that we will have willing and humble spirits remembering we come as servants to help our hosts reach out in their community not to run the show.

• Pray that we who would teach will be teachable and open to God’s working in our own hearts.

• Pray for the planning and preparing of the curriculum and resources for the outreach.

• Pray for the fund raising, that all needed funds will be supplied, and even more.

• Pray for a spirit of unity and love to bind us together and make us effective. Pray that the Lord will use each of us, combining  our particular gifts into a beautiful expression of his love.  Pray for the development of a bond of love and fellowship between ourselves and our brothers and sisters in Christ at the Hurbanovo Baptist church.

• Pray that we may share the GOOD NEWS in a clear, sweet and attractive way, and that the WORD OF LIFE will bear precious  fruit in people coming to saving faith and changed lives.

• Pray that the ground will be prepared and relationships built to support and encourage future sending and receiving of mission teams between our Convention and the churches of the Czech and Slovak Baptist Unions.